En el marco de la jornada del pasado 14 de octubre, dedicada a la Estrategia Nacional de Fusión, se propuso al conjunto de los actores españoles relevantes en la industria de la ciencia que participaran en una encuesta sobre la creación de grupos de trabajo.

Los resultados más relevantes de la encuesta se encuentra en el documento adjunto. Estos datos revelan un interés en participar en las áreas temáticas propuestas y en los grupos de trabajo que abordarán aspectos estratégicos. Esta disposición a colaborar sugiere un compromiso sólido del sector en impulsar avances en fusión. 

En las próximas semanas ...

To promote the scientific industry in Navarra that these facilities can offer to SMEs, an informative session was held yesterday organized by ADItech, coordinator of the Navarro System of R&D&I (SINAI), CDTI, and INEUSTAR/INDUCIENCIA.

The session began with a welcome from Agurtzane Martínez, General Director of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Government of Navarra, and Ana Ursúa, General Director of AIN. Subsequently, María Uresandi, responsible for Technological Cooperation and Promotion of Business R&D&I at ADItech, emphasized the importance of Navarrese SMEs taking advantage of the opportunities these facilities offer. In particular, she highlighted that these tenders can be ...

The second edition of the I+DONES Forum will take place in Granada on April 10 and 11. The goal of this meeting is to promote and highlight the R&D activities being carried out around IFMIF-DONES and to seek synergies among participants. To achieve this, we will bring together public and private stakeholders to understand the main technological challenges and the strategic opportunities that will arise for Spanish Science Industry companies.

Registrations are open, and you can find more details and access the registration here.

CIEMAT, CDTI, INDUCIENCIA, and INEUSTAR co-organize the event "Nuclear Fusion: Initiatives towards DEMO," which will take place next Thursday, February 29, starting at 09:00 in the CIEMAT Auditorium.

The objective of the meeting is to present the European Commission's roadmap for the establishment of a co-programmed PPP (Public Private Partnership) initiative led by the industry, which aims to finance key technologies for fusion and the future DEMO project. Thus, the strengths of Spain in various key technologies will be analyzed, and the development plans for DEMO will be detailed.

The day will focus on four specific workshops ...

💡Sneak peek del evento de Jóvenes Investigadores 🔎

Este evento, que tuvo lugar en CIEMAT el 22 de junio pasado, permitió reunir a más de 150 personas - estudiantes y empresas - en torno a las oportunidades profesionales que brinda el sector de la Industria de la Ciencia.

Encuentro entre las empresas y los jóvenes investigadores


Video [🎥] :  Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores

Noticias relacionadas

En el marco de la jornada del pasado 14 de octubre, dedicada a la Estrategia Nacional de Fusión, se propuso al conjunto de los actores españoles relevantes en la industria de la ciencia que participaran en una encuesta sobre la creación de grupos de trabajo.

Los resultados más relevantes de la encuesta se encuentra en el documento adjunto. Estos datos revelan un interés en participar en las áreas temáticas propuestas y en los grupos de trabajo que abordarán aspectos estratégicos. Esta disposición a colaborar sugiere un compromiso sólido del sector en impulsar avances en fusión. 

En las próximas semanas ...

To promote the scientific industry in Navarra that these facilities can offer to SMEs, an informative session was held yesterday organized by ADItech, coordinator of the Navarro System of R&D&I (SINAI), CDTI, and INEUSTAR/INDUCIENCIA.

The session began with a welcome from Agurtzane Martínez, General Director of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Government of Navarra, and Ana Ursúa, General Director of AIN. Subsequently, María Uresandi, responsible for Technological Cooperation and Promotion of Business R&D&I at ADItech, emphasized the importance of Navarrese SMEs taking advantage of the opportunities these facilities offer. In particular, she highlighted that these tenders can be ...

The second edition of the I+DONES Forum will take place in Granada on April 10 and 11. The goal of this meeting is to promote and highlight the R&D activities being carried out around IFMIF-DONES and to seek synergies among participants. To achieve this, we will bring together public and private stakeholders to understand the main technological challenges and the strategic opportunities that will arise for Spanish Science Industry companies.

Registrations are open, and you can find more details and access the registration here.

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